Monday, October 20, 2008

Third workshop - Material Model

I choose this workshop because I mightl have a lot of chances in the future to be dealing with models. I want to find out the most efficient way to do the model and some particular method to reach some certain effects,for example, how to use balsa wood to do the arch. And I did get the answers from the tutors during the course.

second workshop - architectural drawing

I took this course because except from the drawing exercises that I did in last semester during the design studio. I have no experiences about the professional drawing such as the perspective drawings. I want to improve the certain stills by taking this course. and I think I did. We are asked to do the research about one certain building and then draw the plan, sections and 3D drawings. It is not only about the drawings but also the composition and the way how you present it. It is really helpful even in my future career. It taught me the difference between presentation drawing and technical drawing, also how to present the idea through drawings appropriately.

first workshop

the drawings those we are asked to done are really helpful for me to understand the way how tones works and how to present it through drawings. Through the course, I really start to think about how to draw the reality through tones and perspectives. Tutors also taught me about how to observe object and transform it into the drawings. By the way, I did learn a lot from the course and also improve the confidence.

final model

final model working process

wk 3 exercise - build own home

Friday, August 1, 2008

week 1 --- One drawing from first artist

The First Artist that I selected is Nicholas Rougeux

week 1 --- One drawing by architect

The approach that I select is the curve lines that Utzon used in the Sydney Opera House. The amazing arcs make the Opera House looks graceful and peaceful.
Also the curve lines bring the architecture into the icon of Sydney , even of Australia.

The Architect that I selected is Frank Gehry

Illustration above is
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, 1997, Bilbao

Week 1 --- Research Jorn Utzon's conceptual approach

First Workshop --- Fluid Thoughts to Actions

Fluid Thoughts to Actions: Drawings Across Space and Form